UMD Strongly Condemns Attack on U.S. Diplomatic Post in Libya

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), as the leading voice representing close to half a million Americans of Macedonian heritage, strongly condemns the attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Post in Benghazi, Libya.  UMD mourns the loss of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomatic personnel, and expresses sincere condolences to their families, and to the entire U.S. diplomatic community. 

“The attack on our diplomatic personnel in Libya on the eleventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks on U.S soil — attacks that targeted innocent American lives because of our ideas of freedom, justice and democracy — reminds us that our fight against terrorism is not yet over,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski.  “There is no room for terrorism and religious intolerance, and all of us around the world must stand resolute and united under the banner of freedom in protecting the basic ideas upon, which the U.S. was founded.”

Previous UMD: Ohrid Framework Agreement Is Flawed; Rule of Law Must Prevail


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